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Yesterday’s Kitchen

Yesterday’s Kitchen
The following are some recipes found in a Hackettstown “cookbook” which was published in the early part of the 20th century. The recipes provided below are written exactly as they were published and include the name of the contributor.
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Eggs and Omelets

Four eggs, one-half cup bread crumbs, on-half cup milk, salt, butter and heat pan first.
Mrs. C.M. Wildrick

Cracker Omelet
Four soda crackers, broken in pieces, pour over them one pint of water, let stand half an hour, beat three eggs, whites and yolks separately, add yolks first beaten very light. Put butter in pan, drop the mixture spoonful at a time, season.
Mrs. E.L. Cline

Whipped Eggs Poached
Butter cups thoroughly, beat the whites to a stiff froth and divide among the cups, drop the whole yolk until the center of each. Put cups in boiling water and cook until eggs fill the cups or from five to eight minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Miss Mattison

  Bread, Rolls, Waffles, Etc.


Two cups of grated potatoes, three tablespoons of flour, two tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon of salt, two quarts of hop-water. Mix together, boil until thick, when cool, add one cake of dry yeast, set in warm place until light. Fill bottles one-half full, put in a cool place for use.
Mrs. Dikeman

Corn Bread

Two eggs, one cup of milk, one cup of meal, one-half cup of flour, one-fourth cup of melted butter, one tablespoon of sugar, one teaspoon full of baking powder. Add butter last.
Kate McCracken

Delicious Bread

To one quart of light sponge add one quart of boiled milk, six medium sized potatoes beaten light, one tablespoon of sugar, a little salt, let stand until light. In the morning, knead well and let rise again. Make out into tins and let stand until light. Bake thirty minutes. This will make three large loaves.
Mrs. T.H. Bryan


French Veal Stew
Cut veal in squares two inches thick, then add whole peppers, cloves, bay leaves, one slice of lemon, a small onion and vinegar and salt to suit taste.
Mrs. J. Krouse

Pressed Chicken

Boil two chickens until dropping to pieces, pick meat off bones, taking out all skin, season with salt and pepper, put in deep tin mold, take one-quarter box of gelatinem dissolve in a little warm water, add to liquor left in kettle and boil until it begins to thicken; then pour over chicken and set away to cool; cut in slices for the table.

Fresh Ham (Baked)

Take a ham from ten to twelve pounds, have the butcher remove the bone, fill the space with a turkey dressing of bread, seasoned with sage, thyme or sweet majoram or any preferred seasoning. If baked in a double baker, the ham will not need covering, if in the open pan, cover the ham with a paste of flour and water. About five hours baking in a not too hot over will bake it thoroughly. This is very nice sliced thin and served cold.
Mrs. D.O.Young


Escalloped Potatoes
Butter a baking dish and put ina layer of cold boiled potatoes (chopped). Season with pepper, salt, bits of butter, and a little onion chopped fine. Dredge lightly and flour. Fill the bowl with these layers, and cover the top with a layer of crackers broken fine. Pour over it a large cup of milk and bake one-half hour.
A. Drake

Stuffed Tomatoes

Cut a slice from the blossom end of each tomato. Carefully remove the pulp and mix it with bread and crackers, season with salt and pepper and replace, putting a lump of butter on top and rearranging the cap. Set in a buttered baking dish in which is enough water to keep them from burning. Bake one-half hour or until well done. Sweet peppers are very nice prepared the same way.

Macaroni and Cheese

Cut up one-half pound of macaroni and cook it twenty minutes in water to cover it into which a large teaspoon of salt has been put. Drain well and put a layer in a buttered baking dish, add a layer of cheese, grated fine, and bits of butter and a sprinkle of salt. Repeat the layers until the dish is full and put on top a thick layer of cracker or bread crumbs. Pour over all a teacup of cream or milk and bake one-half hour.
Mrs. Drake


Welcome Cake
One and one-half cups of sugar, one-half cup of sweet milk, three eggs, three cups of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one-half pound of raisins, one-half pound of currants, one fourth pound of citron.
Mrs. Andrew Trimmer

Chocolate Squares

Two eggs, two cups of sugar, one-half cup of sour milk, one teaspoonful of soda, one-half cup of butter, two cups of flour. Melt one-fourth cake of Baker’s chocolate, mix with one-half cup of boiling water, stir in before the flour, cut in squares and ice.
Mrs. C.N. Wade

Pound Cake

Yolks of ten eggs, whites of two eggs well beaten, one pound of butter, one pound of sugar, one pound of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one cup of milk.
Mrs. M.B. Bowers


Snow Flake Pudding

Three tablespoonsful cornstarch dissolved in cold water, stir into this enough boiling water to make a sufficient thickness, three eggs beaten to a thick froth, stir half into the above, spread the other over top. Stir the yolks into a pint of milk, one tablespoonful of cornstarch, sugar, salt and flavor to taste.
Mrs. W.H. Rice

Apple Float

One pint good stewed apples, free from lumps, whites of three eggs well beaten, four tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, beat the apples, eggs and sugar together until stiff enough to stand alone, make a soft custard, flavor with vanilla, pour into a deep dish and pile the float on top.
Mrs. Beland

Coffee Jelly

One-half box of gelatine, one pint of strong coffee, three-fourths of a pound of sugar. Pour the coffee over the gelatine, when disolved stir in the sugar, add one-half pint of boiling water. Strain into moulds and serve with whipped cream.
R.D. Flock